Making trails during the Summer Solstice
We completed establishing the trails this weekend during the summer solstice. A few new pieces were added to the garden including James Vilona's "Murcury's Orbit", Warren Cullars "River Totem" and a collaborative installation by CullarBox titled "Lightening Field #2" just for fun. We also began our interpretive sign planning with Rici Peterson and hope to have our 501c3 Non Profit application in the mail within the month.
At 6:15 AM, Susan & Jerry said…
So cool, can't wait to see it for ourselves. Please post new photos.
At 5:18 PM, Pat said…
We passed by this yesterday. It looked so cool. I stopped and pulled into the driveway by the sculpture of the rock/paper/scissors to take a photo. When will this be open to the public? We are just passing through, but probably will be through this area again. We winter in Mesa, AZ. We have visited Taliesin West and enjoyed it.
At 8:09 PM, Garden sculptures said…
It was both my DH and myself who had all the surgeries and we are not able to do as much gardening and lawn work as we used to .
Just thought I should correct this mistake----LOL
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